Saturday, June 16, 2012

In Memory of Charles Starlin Britt, "Charlie"

Was, no IS the best DAD in the world, and better yet, Heaven.

It's ridiculous to say that any human being is Perfect, but, when it came to being a Dad, a Father...I will say emphatically and unapologetically that he was the Perfect Father Figure.  YES wtih explicatives!!!  He taught all 5 of us EVERYTHING, I MEAN EVERYTHING a man could teach, BUT, he did it with few words.  

Ahhh, those of us who KNEW Him KNOW what i mean right now.  He was the epitome of "you don't have to say it" or boast about it, you Live It. And, when he walked in the room, he did not have to speak a WORRRRD.  His very presence was over-powering, yet humble, even strangers knew, could sense his loving, caring nature.  A True badass who didn't have a bad bone in his body.

I'll spare you all the sobby details, but let's just say that I'm proud to have been given his name, which REALLY should've gone to my brother, the TRUE rock&roll rebel of our Family...NOT me.  But still, I'm soooo proud to have been given his name which I did not deserve.  But, now that I have it  ...  ; )

If you don't believe in Life After Death, just come and hang out with me, my brother Wayne and our Sisters Karen, Pam, and our sweet Debbie who is also Beyond Us now...and you'll Believe...Why?  because, HE taught Us how to Love, and that is... just Perfect.

And, when you see me walk across your screen, (you know, that walk) ~ you'll know 
He Lives On in Us All.

Love you Dad, and thanks for continuing to be here for THAT's a Dad.  I BOAST, as I should, and for those who were not as fortunate as us, there's a Dad there for you too if you just Open Your Heart to See.

Barry Starlin Britt

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